If you are developing a plugin or a theme for WordPress, you may be interested in the DigiMember API.

As an experienced PHP programmer, you can use the DigiMember API to connect your software to DigiMember.

With the DigiMember API, your software can:

  • retrieve the products created in DigiMember
  • Access a user's list of products and orders.
  • Activate its own functions for DigiMember product purchasers only.
  • check itself whether a page or post is unlocked for a user.
  • perform actions when a payment for a product is received, a payment is cancelled or (for subscriptions) is missing.
  • Enhance DigiMember products with custom features that allow you to easily control access to various functions of your software, for example. On the DigiMember - Products page, the user of your software enters the values for the properties. When your software retrieves a product, the record contains these values.

Important: No support available#

We cannot provide support for using the API. In particular, we cannot answer questions about understanding or using the API. To use the API, found PHP programming knowledge is required.

If you have little experience in programming, it is better to hire a specialist, as programming errors can jeopardize the security of your customers' data.


The current version of the DigiMember API is: 3



Is called up each time a payment is changed, i.e. when an order is placed, each time a subscription or instalment is paid, when a subscription or instalment is cancelled or when a subscription or instalment is cancelled.

Function parameters :#

$user_idThe WordPress ID of the buyer
$product_idDigiMember product ID
$order_idOrder ID of your payment provider
$reasonOne of these values: :order_paid = Order payed or if it is an abo or an instalment order_cancelled = Order _cancelled payment_missing = one abo/instalment payment was not paid


add_action( 'digimember_purchase', 'digitest_purchase', 10, 4 );
function digitest_purchase( $user_id, $product_id, $order_id, $reason )
switch ($reason)
case 'order_paid':
// handle paid orders here
case 'order_cancelled':
// handle canceled payment here
case 'payment_missing':
// handle missing rebilling payment here

API functions#

* DigiMember API
* For an example test/demo plugin, visit: https://digimember.de/api
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_ApiVersion()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns the current version of the api.
* Example:
* $version = digimember_ApiVersion();
* var_dump( $version );
* Output:
* float(1.20)
function digimember_ApiVersion() {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_getCourseProgress( $product_id='current' )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function digimember_getCourseProgress( $product_id='current' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_getLectureMenu( $product_id='current' )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function digimember_getLectureMenu( $product_id='current' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_getLectureMenu( $product_id='current' )
* Output:
* array( $start_of_course, $prev_module, $prev_lecture, $next_lecture, $next_module, $end_of_course )
* $start_of_course = Link rec to first lecture of course
* $prev_module = false (is course has no or one modules) or link rec to first lecture of previous module
* $prev_lecture = link rec to previous module
* $next_lecture = link rec to next module
* $next_module = false (if course has no or one moduules) or link rec to firstl ecture of next module
* $end_of_course = link rect to last lecture of course
* A link rec is an associative array with these keys:
* url - the target url for the link or false (if the link is disabled)
* label - the readable text of the link
* description - a one sentence explanation of the links - good for tool tips
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function digimember_getLectureNavLinks( $product_id='current' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_listProducts()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List all active products.
* Example:
* $products = digimember_listProducts();
* print_r( $products );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* [0] => stdClass Object
* (
* [id] => 8
* [created] => 2012-12-02 13:48:47
* [name] => Some Product Name
* [properties] => array()
* )
* [1] => stdClass Object
* (
* [id] => 4
* [created] => 2012-10-16 17:27:43
* [name] => Another Product Name
* [properties] => array()
* )
* )
function digimember_listProducts() {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_listAccessMetaOfContent( $content_id, $content_type='all' )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List all products assigned to a page or pst.
* Example:
* $products = digimember_listProductsOfContent( 3 );
* print_r( $products );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* [0] => stdClass Object
* (
* [content_id] => 2628
* [content_type] => page
* [product_id] => 4
* [unlock_day] => 0
* )
* [1] => stdClass Object
* (
* [content_id] => 2628
* [content_type] => page
* [product_id] => 6
* [unlock_day] => 7
* )
* )
function digimember_listAccessMetaOfContent( $content_id, $content_type='all' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_listAccessableProducts( $wordpress_user_id='current' )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List all protected content of a certain type (page, post, or a custom post type) a user can access
* Example:
* $content = digimember_listAccessableContent( 'page', 'current' );
* print_r( $content );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* [0] => Array
* (
* [id] => 1
* [created] => 2015-01-22 12:14:11
* [name] => Basic training
* [first_login_url] =>
* [default_login_url] =>
* [shortcode_url] =>
* [properties] => Array
* (
* )
* )
* [1] => Array
* (
* [id] => 1
* [created] => 2015-01-22 12:14:11
* [name] => Advanced training
* [first_login_url] =>
* [default_login_url] =>
* [shortcode_url] =>
* [properties] => Array
* (
* )
* )
function digimember_listAccessableProducts( $wordpress_user_id='current' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_listAccessableContent( $content_type, $wordpress_user_id='current' )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List all protected content of a certain type (page, post, or a custom post type) a user can access
* Example:
* $content = digimember_listAccessableContent( 'page', 'current' );
* print_r( $content );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* [0] => Array
* (
* [product_id] => 123
* [product_name] => Basic training
* [posts] => Array
* (
* [0] => Array
* (
* [content_id] => 45
* [title] => Lecture 1
* [unlock_day] => 0
* [position] => 1
* )
* [1] => Array
* (
* [content_id] => 49
* [title] => Lectur2
* [unlock_day] => 0
* [position] => 2
* )
* )
* )
* [1] => Array
* (
* [product_id] => 456
* [product_name] => Advanced training
* [posts] => Array
* (
* [0] => Array
* (
* [content_id] => 15
* [title] => Introduction
* [unlock_day] => 0
* [position] => 1
* )
* )
* )
* )
function digimember_listAccessableContent( $content_type, $wordpress_user_id='current' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_getProduct( $product_id )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get one product
* Example:
* $product = digimember_getProduct( 1 );
* print_r( $product );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* stdClass Object
* (
* [id] => 8
* [created] => 2012-12-02 13:48:47
* [name] => Some Product Name
* [properties] => array()
* )
* )
function digimember_getProduct( $product_id ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_listAccessMetaOfProduct( $product_id )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List all content assigned to a product.
* Example:
* $content = digimember_listAccessMetaOfProduct( 7);
* print_r( $content );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* [0] => stdClass Object
* (
* [content_id] => 1 // page resp. post id
* [content_type] => page // content type: "page" or "post"
* [product_id] => 9
* [unlock_day] => 0 // number of days after the
* // 0 = unlocked directly after
* // purchase
* )
* [1] => stdClass Object
* (
* [content_id] => 2
* [content_type] => page
* [product_id] => 8
* [unlock_day] => 7 // unlock after 7 days
* )
* [2] => stdClass Object
* (
* [content_id] => 3
* [content_type] => 'post'
* [product_id] => 8
* [unlock_day] => 14 // unlock after 14 days
* )
* )
function digimember_listAccessMetaOfProduct( $product_id ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_listOrders( $wordpress_user_id )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List all active orders of a user.
* Example:
* $wordpress_user_id = 1;
* $orders = digimember_listOrders( $wordpress_user_id );
* print_r( $orders );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* [0] => stdClass Object
* (
* [user_id] => 1
* [product_id] => 8
* [order_id] => d9w090bcms58
* [created] => 2012-10-15 22:23:00
* [age_in_days] => 137
* )
* [1] => stdClass Object
* (
* [user_id] => 1
* [product_id] => 4
* [order_id] => a3e2b56sbei7
* [created] => 2013-02-28 16:21:18
* [age_in_days] => 12
* )
* )
function digimember_listOrders( $wordpress_user_id='current' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_getOrder( $order_id )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns order data of order with id $order_id.
* Returns false, if no order for $order_id is found.
* Example:
* $order_id = 'a3e2b56sbei7';
* $order = digimember_getOrder( $order_id );
* print_r( $order );
* Output:
* stdClass Object
* (
* [user_id] => 1
* [product_id] => 8
* [order_id] => d9w090bcms58
* [created] => 2012-10-15 22:23:00
* [age_in_days] => 137
* )
function digimember_getOrder( $order_id ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_createOrder( $product_id_or_ids, $email, $first_name='', $last_name='', $order_id='', $do_perform_login=false )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates an order and a user account (if the user has no account).
* Parameters:
* $user_id: the Wordpres user id
* $product_id_or_ids product id or list of product ids - either as array or
* a string list (sepeated comma, semiclon or blanks)
* $email User data of the account to be created with create the
* order
* $first_name
* $last_name
* $order_id
* $do_perform_login If true, the user will be logged in - use this e.g. for
* sign up forms.
* Example:
* digimember_createOrder( 20,
* 'test@email.de',
* 'Claus',
* 'Myers',
* 'Order-1' );
* digimember_createOrder( array( 20, 21, 22),
* 'test@email.de',
* 'Claus',
* 'Myers',
* 'Order-1' );
* digimember_createOrder( '20, 21, 22',
* 'test@email.de',
* 'Claus',
* 'Myers',
* 'Order-1' );
function digimember_createOrder( $product_id_or_ids, $email, $first_name='', $last_name='', $order_id='', $do_perform_login=false ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_listContentTypes()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* List all types of content handled by DigiMember
* Example:
* $types = digimember_listContentTypes();
* print_r( $types );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* [0] => page
* [1] => post
* )
function digimember_listContentTypes() {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_userAccessDenied( $user_id, $content_type, $content_id )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if the access to a piece of content is blocked for the given
* user.
* Parameters:
* $user_id: the Wordpres user id
* $content_type: "page", "post" (or - if the api is extended - any other
* content type returned by digimember_listContentTypes())
* $content_id: id of the wordpress page or post
* Returns:
* false: if the content is not locked (i.e.: the content is accessable)
* true: if the content is locked and will not automatically be unlocked.
* int: if the content will be automatically unlocked in the future:
* the number of days, the user has to wait.
* Example:
* $result = digimember_currentUserAccessDenied( 'post', 123 );
* var_dump( $result );
* Output:
* bool(false) // the content is accessable
* or
* bool(true) // the content is locked and will not be automatically unlocked.
* or
* int(17) // the content will be unlocked in 17 days
function digimember_userAccessDenied( $user_id, $content_type, $content_id ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_currentUserAccessDenied( $content_type, $content_id )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check if the access to a piece of content is blocked for the current
* session user.
* Works exaclty like digimember_userAccessDenied(), but for the current
* session user.
function digimember_currentUserAccessDenied( $content_type, $content_id ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_registerProductProperty( $property_name,
* $property_type,
* $label,
* $meta=array() )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Adds a property to every product. The property can be edited in the product
* editor (in the wordpress admin area on page DigiMember - Products).
* The properties are stored in the product objects field 'properties' in form
* of an associative array.
* See digimember_listProducts() and digimember_getProduct()
* Parameters:
* $property_name may container letters, digits and underscores. Must be unique.
* If you call digimember_registerProductProperty() for the same property name
* again, the previously set property settings are overwritten.
* $property type is a string with one of these values:
* "string" one line text
* "text" multi line text
* "html"
* "int"
* "bool" true or false.
* "date" e.g. "2014-01-23" (without time)
* or "2014-01-23 17:53:47" (with time)
* "array"
* $meta is an associative array with these (optional) keys and values:
* all types:
* section - add this property to the for section registered via
* digimemberRegisterSection()
* default - sets the initial value of the property
* tooltip - a text shown as tooltip. Use pipe character | to seperate paragraphs,
* e.g. "This is the first paragraph.|This is the second."
* hint - a text shown as small hint below the input field
* for string and int only:
* size - size of the input field.
* for text only:
* cols
* rows - size of text area input. Default is 40 cols and 5 rows.
* for html only:
* rows - height of the html input area. Default is 5 rows.
* with_shortcodes - set this to true to display the DigiMember shortcode button.
* Default is false.
* for array only:
* array - associative array (value => label) with options to select from.
* See example.
* for date only:
* with_time - set this to true to also enter a time. Default is false.
* Example:
* function registerMyProductPropierties()
* {
* $meta = array(
* 'default' => 1,
* 'tooltip' => 'This is an explanation for the number of licenses'
* . ' property.|'
* . 'To the user, this text is displayed as a tooltip.'
* );
* digimember_registerProductProperty( 'number_of_licenses',
* 'int',
* 'Number of licenses',
* $meta );
* $meta = array(
* 'rows' => 10,
* 'cols' => 60,
* );
* digimember_registerProductProperty( 'description',
* 'text',
* 'Description',
* $meta );
* $options = array( 'creme' => 'with creme',
* 'sugar' => 'with sugar',
* 'creme_and_sugar' => 'with creme and sugar',
* 'black' => 'black',
* );
* $meta = array(
* 'array' => $options,
* 'default' => 'creme_and_sugar',
* );
* digimember_registerProductProperty( 'coffee_preference',
* 'array',
* 'How do you like your coffee?',
* $meta );
* }
* add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'registerMyProductPropierties' );
* // Goto to the Wordpress admin area, open page DigiMember - Products and edit a product!
function digimember_registerProductProperty( $property_name, $property_type, $label, $meta=array() ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimemberRegisterSection( $section_key, $headline, $instructions )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Registers a section for the product edit form. You may then add
* Properties to this section. Properties may also be added without section.
* Sections only affect how the properties are displayed on the product
* edit form. They do _NOT_ affected how properties are accessed or handled.
* Paramters
* $section_key a unique key containing only numbers, letters and underscores
* $headline the label displayed to the user (as a section headline)
* $instructions optional html text displayed right after the section headline
function digimemberRegisterSection( $section_key, $headline, $instructions='' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_clearPropertiesOfProduct( $product_id )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Product properties are never deleted, but hidden, when not registered
* by digimember_registerProductProperty() (or when your plugin is disabled).
* To remove all properties from a single product from the database, use this function.
function digimember_clearPropertiesOfProduct( $product_id ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_getAutoresponderOptions( $addNullEntryLabel=false )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns a list of autoresponder settings as setup under DigiMember - Autoresponder
* Example:
* $options = digimember_getAutoresponderOptions();
* print_r( $options );
* Output:
* Array
* (
* [3] => 3 - AWeber
* [7] => 7 - Getresponse
* [1] => 1 - Klick-Tipp
* )
function digimember_getAutoresponderOptions( $addNullEntryLabel=false ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_AutoresponderSubscribe( $autoresponder_id, $email, $first_name, $last_name )
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Subscribes a user to an autoresponder.
* Parameters:
* $autoresponder_id: The id of the autoresponder as given by digimember_getAutoresponderOptions().
function digimember_AutoresponderSubscribe( $autoresponder_id, $email, $first_name='', $last_name='', $product_id=0, $order_id='' ) {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_getDs24AffiliateName()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Retrieve the Digistore24 affiliate name of the current user (if the user
* was sent by Digistore24 either as a customer or as an affiliate).
* If sent as a customer and not an affiliate, the affiliate name is the
* Digistore24 affiliate name the user would get, if he follows the Digistore24
* "become affiliate" link (see shortcode [ds_buyer_to_affiliate] and
* digimember_getDs24BuyerToAffiliateUrl() ).
* If no Digistore order is found, it returns ''. Maximum length of the
* Digistore24 id is 47 characters.
function digimember_getDs24AffiliateName() {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_getDs24BuyerToAffiliateUrl()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Create an url for affiliation. If the current user follows this url,
* he may take part in your "Buyer to affiliate" programm (which you need
* to setup in Digistore24).
* There is difference between this function and the shortcode [ds_buyer_to_affiliate],
* which only has consequences, if the user has multiple orders:
* The shortcodes scans all orders of the user for the buyer to affiliate
* programm. This function only returns the url for the affiliate name
* returned by digimember_getDs24AffiliateName(). To solve this, setup
* the buyer to affiliate programm for all of your Digistore24 products the
* user may access in this DigiMember installation.
* If no Digistore order is found, it returns ''.
function digimember_getDs24BuyerToAffiliateUrl() {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_disableAffiliateFooterLink()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The affiliate footer link is disabled for the current page view.
function digimember_disableAffiliateFooterLink() {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* digimember_disableAffiliateFooterLink()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Returns true, if the admin has enabled the affiliate footer link.
function digimember_isAffiliateFooterLinkEnabled() {}
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Usage:
* function digimember_someDeprecatedFunction()
* {
* return digimember_someNewFunction();
* }